Personal Bibliography: Books
- Kiloh L.G. and Bell D.S.:
Proceedings of the 29th International Congress on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence.
Butterworths, Australia, 1971. - Bell D.S.:
Medico-Legal Assessment of Head Injury.
Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, 1992. - Bell D.S.,
Welcome to the Loony Bin, 55 Years in Psychiatry and the Law.
Anbel Services, Sydney, 396 pp., 2015.
Personal Bibliography: Papers and chapters in books
- Bell D.S. and Trethowan W.H.: Amphetamine Addiction and Disturbed Sexuality. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1961, 4: 74-78.
- Bell D.S. and Trethowan W.H.: Amphetamine Addiction. Â Â Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1961, 133: 489-496.
- Bell D.S.: The Abuse of Amphetamines. Australasian Journal of Pharmacy, 1964, 45: 571-572.
- Bell D.S.: Pressure Palsy of the Accessory Nerve. British Medical Journal, 1964, 1: 1483-1484.
- Bell D.S.: Implications of Community Psychiatry in the United Kingdom. Medical Journal of Australia, 1965, 2: 86-89.
- Bell D.S.: Comparison of Amphetamine Psychosis and Schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1965, 111: 701-707.
- Bell, D.S.: The Psychotomimetic Action of Amphetamine. Australasian Psychiatric Bulletin, 1966, 7: 13.
- Bell D.S.: Psychiatric Aspects of Cerebral Vascular Disease. Medical Journal of Australia, 1966, 2: 829-833.
- Bell D.S.: Addiction to Stimulants. Medical Journal of Australia, 1967, 1: 41-45.
- Bell D.S.: Drugs and the Driver. Road Safety, 1967, 3/9: 18.
- Bell D.S. and Bleasel K.: Cryogenic Thalamotomy in Parkinson’s Disease. Medical Journal of Australia, 1967, 2: 500-505.
- Bell D.S.: Psychiatric Aspects of Drug Abuse. Social Service, 1967, 19: 6-10.
- Bell D.S.: Speech Functions of the Thalamus Inferred from the Effects of Thalamotomy. Brain, 1968, 91: 619-638.
- Bell D.S.: Group Therapy of Epilepsy. Rehabilitation, 1968, No.67, 31-45.
- Editorial: Drugs and Addiction. Medical Journal of Australia, 1968, 2: 1057-1058.
- Bell D.S.: Dangers of Treatment of Status Epilepticus with Diazepam. British Medical Journal, 1969, 1: 159-161.
- Dinnen A., Gye R. and Bell D.: Mental Disturbances Associated with Craniopharyngioma in Adults. Medical Journal of Australia, 1969, 1: 735-737.
- Bell D.S.: Stereotactic Treatment of Parkinsonism. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1969, 115: 1346-1347.
- Bell D.S.: Drug Addiction. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1970, 22/2: 21-32.
- Bell D.S.: Timothy Leary, Oh so Dreary. The Bulletin, 1970, 92: No.4721, 49-50.
- Bell D.S.: The effect of Diazepam on the EEG of Status Epilepticus. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 1970, 33, 231-237.
- Bell D.S.: The Precipitants of Amphetamine Addiction. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1971, 119: 171-177.
- Bell D.S.: Social Background of the Use and Abuse of Alcohol and Drugs: Clinical Aspects. In Proceedings of the 29th International Congress on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence edited by L.G.Kiloh and D.S.Bell. Butterworths, Australia, 1971, 69-77.
- Bell D.S.: Plan for a Drug Dependence Service for New South Wales. I. Background. Medical Journal of Australia, 1971, 1: 567-569.
- Bell D.S. and Rowe A.J.E.: Plan for a Drug-Dependence Service for New South Wales. II. Management of the Problem. Medical Journal of Australia, 1971, 1: 569-573.
- Bell D.S.: Drug Addiction. In Drug Abuse Law Review – 1971 edited by M.H.Hershey. Sage Hill, New York, 1971, 1-30.
- Kirkby R.J., Bell D.S. and Preston A.C.: The Effects of Methylamphetamine on Stereotyped Behaviour, Activity, Startle, and Orienting Responses. Psychopharmacologia, 1972, 25: 41-48.
- Dinnen A. and Bell D.S.: Transference in a Group with Different Therapists. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 1972, 6: 176-179.
- White Y.S., Bell D.S. and Mellick R.: Sequelae to Pneumoencephalography. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 1973, 36: 146-151.
- Bell D.S.: The Experimental Reproduction of Amphetamine Psychosis. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1973, 29: 35-40.
- Bell D.S.: Evaluation of the Congress. In Man and His Mind Changers edited by E.Dekker and H.J.van der Wal. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1973, 92-102.
- Editorial: Drug Convictions in New South Wales. Medical Journal of Australia, 1974, 1: 86.
- Bell D.S.: Whether to Manage the Drug or the Addict – That is the Question. Australian Journal of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 1974, 1: 37-39.
- Bell D.S., Kirkby R.J. and Preston A.C.: Tolerance to the Hyperactivating Effects of Methylamphetamine. Psychopharmacologia, 1974, 36: 41-47.
- Williams S.E., Bell D.S. and Gye R.S.: Neurosurgical Disease Encountered in a Psychiatric Service. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 1974, 37: 112-116.
- Kiloh L.G., Gye R.S., Rushworth R.G., Bell D.S. and White R.T.: Stereotactic Amygdaloidotomy for Aggressive Behaviour. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 1974, 37: 437-444.
- Bell D.S.: Deviance and Drug Use. In Drugs and Psychiatry edited by G.F.S.Johnson. Geigy, Sydney, 1975, 117-120.
- Dinnen A. and Bell D.S.: Psychotherapy in a Large Open Family Group. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 1975, 9: 93-98.
- Bell D.S.: Man and His Mind-Changers. Health, Illness and Deviancy. In Proceedings of the 30th International Congress on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 1972 edited by A.Tongue and E.Tongue. International Council on Alcohol and Addictions, Lausanne, 1975, 24-28.
- Bell D.S.: Contributions of the Voluntary Agencies of the Management of Alcohol and Other Drugs of Dependence in New South Wales. Australian Journal of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 1975, 2: 109-111.
- Bell D.S., Champion R.A. and Rowe A.J.E.: Monitoring Alcohol Use Among Young People in New South Wales 1971 to 1973. Australian Journal of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 1976, 3: 51-54.
- Bell D.S.: Politics and Drugs. Australian Journal of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 1977, 4: 4-6.
- Bell D.S.: The Present Status of Drug Dependence in Australia. Addictive Diseases, 1977, 3: 115-118.
- Bell D.S. and Champion R.A.: The Dynamics of Trends in Drug Use in Australia. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1977, 24/3: 21-31.
- Bell D.S.: If All That Paper Were Laid End to End. Australian Journal of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 1978, 5: 6-10.
- Kirkby R.J., Bell D. and Tollow A.: An Apparatus to Measure Activity in the Laboratory Rat. Journal of Biological Psychology, 1978, 20: 41-43.
- Bell D.S.: Methadone. Medical Journal of Australia, 1978, 1: 505-506.
- Bell D.S.: Pointers to Preventive Measures Derived from Surveys of Drug Use. Australian Journal of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 1978, 5: 82-85.
- Bell D.S. and Champion R.A.: Deviance, Delinquency and Drug Use. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1979, 134: 269-276.
- Bell D.S.: Australia and New Zealand. In “The Community’s Response to Drug Use” edited by S.Einstein. Pergamon Press, New York, 1980, 29-65.
- Champion R.A. and Bell D.S.: Monitoring Trends in Drug Use. International Journal of The Addictions, 1980, 15: 375-390.
- Champion R.A. and Bell D.S.: Attitudes toward Drug Use: Trends and Correlations with Actual Use. International Journal of The Addictions, 1980, 15: 551-567.
- Bell D.S.: Dependence on Psychotropic Drugs and Analgesics in Men and Women. In “Alcohol and Drug Problems in Women. Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug Problems Vol.5” edited by O.J.Kalant.  Plenum Press, New York, 1980, 423-463.
- Bell D.S.: Assessment of Outcome. In “Head Injuries” edited by T.A.R.Dinning and T.J.Connelley. John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane, 1981, 132-139.
- Bell D.S.: Back to Fundamentalism. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 1983, 11: 83-86.
- Bell D.S.: This Doctor Sounds a Call to Arms. Medical Practice, June 1983, No.6: 28-30.
- Bell D.S.: “Repetition Strain Injury”: An Iatrogenic Epidemic of Simulated Injury. Medical Journal of Australia, 1989, 151: 280-284.
- Bell D.S.: The Irrelevance of Research to Government Policies on Drugs. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 1990, 25: 221-224.
- Bell D.S.: The Neuropsychological Contribution to the Medico-Legal Assessment of Head Injury. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 25:15-20, 1993.
- Bell D.S.: Whose accountability, judges or experts? Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 26:74-76, 1994.
- Bell D.S.: The motivation of addiction. Acta Neurochirurgica, 132:185-191, 1995.
- Bell D.: Post-traumatic stress disorder. Proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society of New South Wales, 12/1:7-8, 1995.
- Bell D.S.: The medico-legal hazard of denial after brain damage. Australian Law Journal, 69:455-460, 1995.
- Bell D.S.: That the existing court procedures for resolving legal and scientific issues require major reform. Proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society of New South Wales, 12/3:2-3, 1995.
- Bell D.S.: The expert misleads. The court follows. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 27:59-64, 1995.
- Bell D.S.: Misleading expert testimony about head injury. Journal of Law and Medicine, 3:346-358, 1996.
- Bell D.S.: The bite and bark of medico-legal argument. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 28:73-77, 1996.
- Bell D.S.: The artful dodger: pre-scientific psychiatry. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 31 (Suppl.1):A64, 1997.
- Bell D.S.: A very hairy dog. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 29:41-44, 1997.
- Bell D.S.: Legal and medical unreason: RSI, OOS and CTD. Hippocrates’ Lantern, 4/3:13-16, 1997.
- Bell D.S.: Epidemic occupational pseudo-illness: the plague of acronyms. Current Review of Pain, 4:324-330, 2000.
- Bell D.S.: From Frye to Daubert. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 32:61-64, 2000.
- Bell D.S.: Judgments revisited: Adamcik. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 33:35-37, 2001a.
- Bell D.S.: Judgments revisited: Abalos – a High Court low. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 33:61-74, 2001b.
- Bell D.S.: Judgments revisited: Earthline. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 34:41-43, 2002.
- Bell D.S.: Responsibility for misleading expert testimony. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 36:47-48, 2004.
- Bell D.S.: Judgments revisited: Seltsam, scientific consistency v honesty. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 36:87-89, 2004.
- Bell D.S.: Rules for Expert Witnesses. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 38:107-110, 2006.
- Bell D.S.: Science at Law. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 39:41-46, 2007.
- Bell D.S.: Judgments revisited: Falconer. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 43:313-321, 2011.
- Bell D.S.:  PTSD: another forensic epidemic of pseudo-illness. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 45:113-122, 2013.